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【动态】Jin Zuo’s “Wandering Dust” Exhibition Unveiled in Beijing

2023-08-16 00:00:00 来源:艺术家提供作者:

https://img10.artimg.net/public/beian/png/202308/c2fe65dde35403212f422a25b2e5f123.pngBEIJING, CHINA, August 14, 2023/ EINPresswire.com / -- International Arts News — The solo art exhibition of Jin Zuo, titled " Wandering Dust,” has opened its doors at the 798 Art District in Beijing, hosted by Li Gallery. The exhibition, showcasing a collection of 30 recent oil paintings by Jin Zuo, will run until September 8. The grand opening ceremony took place on August 12 at Li Gallery, with over 200 distinguished guests in attendance.

Born in Hebei in 1968, Jin Zuo is the founder of the “Wu Xiang” (Enlightenment school)artistic movement. In 2012, he established the Sino-Canadian Art Association and assumed the role of its president. Additionally, he serves as the Artistic Director of the ICANARTS Gallery in Canada. Jin Zuo’s notable work “Flesh Tones” garnered substantial societal resonance during the 2015 American Contemporary Art Exhibition. His “Colored Vision Debunked” series exhibition became one of the top ten news events in Toronto in 2017. His anti-war piece “Eternal Vision” caught the attention of international art critics at the 2023 New York International Contemporary Art Exhibition. Furthermore, his anti-war artwork “Changing Perspectives” was exhibited at the 2023 United Nations Women and Children’s Conference, advocating for global peace and humanitarianism.

In this Beijing exhibition, Jin Zuo defines himself through “Wandering Dust,” seamlessly melding abstract expressionism and bridging Eastern and Western aesthetic cultures. His work incorporates philosophical and Zen Buddhist ideals, revealing how a Chinese artist residing abroad captures moments of life and universal existence against the backdrop of diverse cultural influences. “Wu Xiang,” Jin Zuo’s artistic style and philosophy, epitomizes his belief in using art to awaken self-awareness and the essence of the cosmos. For him, painting is not merely a technique; it’s a spiritual practice. “Wandering Dust” embodies his profound insights into life and existence.

Critic Cui Zimo elucidated the meaning of “Wu Xiang": “Exploring artistic styles and ideologies is both an individual and collective endeavor. Establishing a new genre entails not only innovating artistic forms but also reinterpreting symbols and solidifying thoughts. The history of world art has matured significantly; however, breaking new ground beyond our predecessors’ achievements requires collaborative effort.”

Cai Kui, President of the Canadian Oil Painting Association, remarked that Jin Zuo has already produced remarkable contemporary and abstract artworks in Canada. The exhibited pieces showcase refreshing elements, marked by vibrant and luminous colors, diverging significantly from his earlier works. He expressed anticipation for Jin Zuo’s future masterpieces.

Han Jiemin, Head of a New York-based art gallery, commented, “Jin Zuo’s pieces presented at the 2023 New York Art Expo were striking, and the works showcased in Beijing attest to his constant innovation. His creations reflect unique philosophies and ideas, covering a broad artistic scope. Not only do they have a market presence, but they also resonate with many art collectors.” Jin Zuo’s artistic language positions him on the global art stage.

Curator Xu Yizhen expressed that curating “Wandering Dust” was born out of admiration for Jin Zuo’s artworks. His pieces emanate a profound cosmic energy, revealing cosmic perspectives, worldviews, and life insights that profoundly touch the heart. She hopes that audiences can experience Jin Zuo’s artistic philosophy through “Wu Xiang.”

Peter Morgan 

Canada & World Report 


https://img10.artimg.net/public/beian/jpg/202308/7e36b02508dbec0cf913285236d7c5af.jpg左晋1968年生于河北南戴河之滨,自幼酷爱绘画,曾研修于中央美木学院,现居加拿大杰出华人艺术家。2012年联合众多艺术家创立加拿大中华艺术协会并出任会长,同年被官方授予“中加文化交流使者”,曾荣获加拿大国会颁发的“伊丽莎白二世女王纪念勋章”。现任加拿大I CAN ARTS艺术总监、C9画廊首席艺术家,中国国际收藏协会(香港)副会长,悟像画派创始人。

作品以独特的视角和技巧重新定位自然风景及人物,展现人与人、人与自然、人与自我以及人与宇宙万物的复杂而深刻的关系。近二十年作品涉及多种主题和风格,从社会问题到科幻想象,从写实描绘、抽象表现到悟象风格的形成,多方位艺术探索及创造力的表达。其代表作品《肤色》在2015年美国当代艺术展期间引起强烈社会反响和关注,作品《有色眼镜》系列曾成为2017加拿大多伦多十大新闻事件之一。反战作品《短视》在2023年纽约国际当代艺术展引起巨大轰动,赢得各国艺术评论家的赞誉。反战体裁作品《换位》在2023年联合国妇女儿童大会展出,呼吁世界和平和人道主义。作品被全球主流媒体关注,各艺术媒体详尽报道。千尺巨幅油画《海》为目前为止最大的主题作品。为2008年奥运会创作奥动系列作品,作品《幻秋》被 2020年冬奥会官方收藏,成为了冬奥会的标志性作品之一。多年来左晋一直献拍画作支持慈善事业,他本人也被评选为美丽中国的十大慈善艺术家。


2008年 中国工艺美术出版社《21世纪有影响力画家个案研究—左晋》;

2009年 湖南美术出版社《中国美术年鉴》;

2010年 天津人民美术出版社《中国当代艺术大家-左晋油画作品集》; 

2011年 黑龙江美术出版社 《艺海—左晋油画作品集》; 

2012年 西泠印社出版《东方艺术名家—左晋》; 

2015年 加拿大出版局《Relationship》个人作品集。





